Get Organized Just Enough to Please You.

Life is Better When You're Organized 20       Reasons Why

Written by Pam Young | Jun 22, 2018 3:42:53 PM

You'll be shocked at how getting organized just a little will add great joy to you and your family because:


1.   You do 50% less work

2.   You know where everything is

3.   You keep appointments

4.    You’re on time

5.   You’re spiritual awareness is quickened

6.   You have an organized stock of staples

7.   You’re never hungry

8.   You get to play more

9.   You have what you need

10.  You’re healthy and happy

11.  You’re a good example to your children

12.  You set the stage for your creativity

13.  You know where you’re going when you go

14.  You enjoy your memories

15. Your finances are clean

16. You have just what you need

17.  You do what needs to be done today

18.  You get all the rest you need

19.  You exercise regularly

20.  You have habits and routines that serve you


Let 2018 be the year you get organized just enough to please you. (Anyone in your home with a higher standard, needs to know where the vacuum, cleaning products and rags are kept.) Make the first place you organize be the cleaning center in your home, and you’ll be on your way to getting organized enough to delegate to family members and run your home more easily with the help you deserve.

Last year I received more emails than ever before from all of you who are “getting” this concept of getting organized so you have more free time to do what you love to do. So many of you wrote to me how much you enjoyed the holiday season with little stress. I’m so impressed with those of you who have stopped trying and have started applying what works. If my sister and I could get organized, anyone can.

I'm the first one to admit that housework is not the most creative of tasks that must be done, but it really is up to us to be creative and turn them into sources of joy. Here's a blog I wrote about that. 


P.S. If this blog inspired you to get organized just enough to please you, I highly recommend that you read The Joy of Being Disorganized. It is a must read if you're a SHE (Sidetracked Home Executive).