Now that you’ve got the first two keys to being organized (if you didn't get a chance to read them just click on them here Part ONE, Part TWO ), making a decision to do it and becoming committed to that decision for the right reason(s), the third key is a plan of action.
Just like Flylady says, “You can’t organize clutter,” the sooner you get everything out of your house that doesn’t make you feel good, the better. On the subject of what makes you happy, here’s a good exercise to try.
Pick a room, any room and focus on one part of that room like a shelf or table; something that’s holding stuff. Pretend the room is on fire and in your mind, make a note of what you’d take with you (pretend you only have about 10 seconds because the flames are leaping at you and threatening to swallow you up).
As I wrote this I looked at
Putting your stuff through the fire test will help you sweep your home clean of the stuff that doesn’t make you happy.
The 3x5 card system is what I’ve used for 40 years to delegate as well as give me direction. I love 3x5 cards
The system involves getting all the jobs in your home put onto the cards. In my latest book, The Joy of Being Disorganized, I go into detail on how to get the family to help in each room of the house.
There’s one big thing that gets in the way of doing what needs to be done at any given time and that’s LIFE. Life with its mysteries has a wonderful plan that supersedes any plans we can make. I like Robert Burn’s quote: The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. I also like that he put humans and mice in the same basket. It reminds me not to take myself so seriously or anyone else for that matter.
With all the distractions (and we SHEs are masters at being distracted by our own minds) like children, animals,
You want a peaceful, cozy, happy home that you love to be in. To have that, the 3 Ds are equally important. Declutter, Delegate and Do it. Get the routine jobs in your home on 3x5 cards, follow a weekly plan (either Flylady’s Flight Plan or the plan I’ve outlined in The Joy of Being Disorganized) and start enjoying an organized life. It’s easier than you think to do.