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3x5 Card Your Way to a Happier 2018

Written by Pam Young | Feb 7, 2018 10:03:00 AM



Excerpt from “The Sidetracked Sister’s Happiness File.”

From Pam: In our first book we worked out a weekly plan. Each day was devoted to a certain kind of activity. Included was a “free” day in which we could do whatever we wanted to do. But we’ve since realized that to tell a basically disorganized person just to do whatever she wants is meaningless.

When we developed the Happiness File we made a list of all the things we loved to do, the simple things that made us happy. We want you to make your own list of “love to do” things. It is the same as the list of things you made for your spouse in the February chapter, only this is a list of your loves. Sometimes we get so busy that we don’t take the time to do the things we love to do. It helps greatly to make a list. Decide how often you would like to do each thing and incorporate this frequency factor into your card file so that you can follow through.

Start thinking and feeling free right now. I loved the definitions for freedom in Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Some of those that popped out at me in the three inches of description were: independence; relieved from something unpleasant or burdensome; not bound, confined, or detained; having no restrictions; not taken up with commitments; not hampered, fastened, or held. I felt free just reading about it.

Enjoy this lovely month and use it to break free so that all through the coming year you can experience greater happiness in everything you do.


What I Love

Sitting in the sun

The smell of freshly cut grass

The sound of those sprinklers that jerk around


Baby anythings

75˚ weather

Long walks in the country


Christmas music


A fresh hot cup of coffee in the morning

A nap at 2:30

Eating in a restaurant

Singing in a group and harmonizing

Playing the piano

Playing the guitar

Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue”

The ballet

Reading a good novel

A crackling fire

Baked potatoes


Going barefoot


Having a barbecue

(I wrote this list in the 1980s and here it is 2018 and every one of those items on the list still thrills me, only I have more to add, because I’ve lived 30 plus years to have more to love!)

                    Our grandchildren

                    Our adult children and their spouses

                    Our gardens

                    Our home

                    My husband

                    My body

                    Being with happy people and having fun conversations


                    Watching my life unfold

                    Our view from every window in our home

I could actually go on for pages! This life we've been given is a miracle and the more we can focus on the blessings in it, the happier we'll be. Let the 3x5 card file system help you to have a happier 2018.

The Sidetracked Sister's Happiness File is available as an audio book, Kindle, or e-book. Just click on the cover to order. Also I have a few hardback books that are first edition and sell for $56. The only way to purchase the hardback book is to send a check made out to Pam Young to 616 Sommerset Road, Woodland, WA 98674 and I'll send you one while they last.