Get Organized Just Enough to Please You.

A Dejunking Video by Kathy Roberts

Written by Pam Young | Oct 19, 2017 6:06:25 PM


Meet Kathy Roberts, The Tidy Tutor. You've probably seen some of my emails mentioning her because we created a webinar together a few months ago, which sold out.

We're doing another live webinar on October 26 at 9:00 EST (NY time) with the sole purpose of helping SHEs get organized just enough to enjoy the holiday season like a child; from the festivities to the underlying spiritual nature of this holy time (as if all time isn't holy).

Here's an email Kathy sent out to her readers yesterday and her video will help you dejunk your dresser and closet. I watched the whole video (28 minutes) and she touches on every aspect of dejunking in a way that will resonate with you. (I did want her to decide on that scarf she mulls over through the entire video, but remember, she's a SHE.) Kathy also offers an opportunity to sign up for her free video series on dejunking other areas of a home. She's a wonderful teacher!

If she inspires you to action, I'd love to hear from you! Just click on her photo and enjoy this dejunking video!



P.S. To join Kathy and me at our live webinar on October 26, click on me modeling my Christmas Tree ornament earrings.