Get Organized Just Enough to Please You.

Are you sick of clutter? You Can Declutter!

Written by Pam Young | Sep 16, 2015 10:30:00 AM


Learn a Life Lesson from it and It’ll go Away!


Your clutter has something important to tell you.


If you follow a religion, do you think the guy who started yours had too much stuff? Of course he didn’t. Jesus, Moses, Mohamad, Buddha, Krishna, none of them was bothered by owning too much stuff! So here you are today, sick of your clutter, trying to find peace and joy in your day, as you fight over clutter, look for it, stash it, rearrange it, dust it, and cage yourself in chaos and frustration.


Your clutter will continue to get in the way of your peace until you learn a very important life lesson, letting go.   Here’s an excerpt from my latest book, The Joy of Being Disorganized:


Our lives are hectic in this 21st century, which makes establishing peace in our homes more of a necessity than ever. We need a sanctuary from the frenzy. When our homes make us feel safe and cozy, they become a refuge where we can recharge our spirits that can get pulled in so many directions out in the world.


Peace is a personal matter. What defines peace for me may not come close to your definition. When I think of peace, a lot of “R” words fly around in my mind—like release, rejuvenate, refresh, relax, and rest. Whatever your definition of peace, consider that you are not just a homemaker or a housekeeper, you are a peacemaker and a peacekeeper. The tone of your home rests in your hands. That’s a tall order, but when you reduce the clutter in your home, it’s much easier to keep the peace.

You have the right to live in it “joy” fully and “peace” fully.


We’ve all heard that the one thing that never changes is change itself. Things don’t ever stay the same in our life—the very fact that we get up each morning to a new day is proof. Much of our stuff is about what was. Little by little, day-by-day, we have to let go of who we were to become who we are, and when we release the clutter in our homes we are allowing that process to happen. We spend our lives losing what was, to what is. As mothers we lose our babies to toddlers and our toddlers to children, then to teenagers and adults.


De-cluttering is key to the natural processes in our life. When you de-clutter, you will be allowing your space to reflect who you and your family are now. Your home is your most prized material possession and you have the right to live in it “joy” fully and “peace” fully. As I’ve grown older, I’ve watched my dark auburn hair give way to gray. I feel like I did when I was 25, so when I look in the mirror and see my reflection, I see me in a really good old lady costume and mask, and it tickles me. You get to decide if letting go is hard or easy, sad or fun. So why not have fun? 


Your clutter has something important to tell you


If you’re buried in clutter you haven’t learned how to let go. If you really want to follow the teachings of your religion, let go and know that you are enough without your stuff. This blog will help you get started letting go.


The Joy of Being Disorganized was written for disorganized women who have forgotten how amazing they are in spite of the messes they make. 

