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Easter is Not about Sugar

Written by Pam Young | Mar 27, 2017 9:00:00 AM


Easter is April 16 this year!



As we come together to celebrate the awesome miracle of Jesus's Resurrection, the sugar manufacturers have, once again, given us very colorful reminders (if we can make that mental leap) to remember what Easter is really all about. Let those brilliant Peep bunnies remind you of all the people who follow His teachings, and let that collection of multi-colored M&Ms remind you of all of your blessings. Don't EAT them, just let them remind you of how blessed you are and how grateful you are that Jesus did return in love for us all.

With that said, we really need to be careful not to buy into the sugar push in the name of this holy event. We can actually use the ubiquitous goodies to remind us that it's NOT ABOUT SUGAR. Try it the next time you're at the store. The minute your mouth starts to water because you just spied a display of Cadbury Eggs and you remember how much you love them, just swallow, pass the treats and run a quick thank you to Jesus.


I received this email and it's what inspired the subject of my blog today.

        Dear Pam,

Since the New Year, 2015, began my beloved and I have been following a similar way of eating as yours. I am blessed with a wonderful European MIL who is still a fabulous cook at 94. She is oblivious to the fact that we have both lost 20 plus pounds and are feeling and looking good. When we declined her beautiful but deadly pancakes the other day saying that we had just had lunch...she burst into tears and said to her loving son...."You won't eat anything I cook anymore."
 What might be your response or ideas to handle this? Can I even mention the 12 inch, 3 layer pecan meal torte that uses 15 eggs with the mocha ganache frosting that will be coming up for Easter lunch?
Yours in food, laughter & love.


My response to Heather turned into my blog for today. First I told her how I loved how she ended her note to me! Yours in food, laughter & love!

Second, I congratulated her on her weight loss! I'm so happy for her and her husband!

Third, I told her my heart goes out to her MIL, because she gets a lot of her love by being a fabulous cook and getting the kudos from it. Perhaps if she thought it was a matter of life and death for the two of them (and sugar really is, it just takes longer to kill us) she could tell her she has discovered they're both gluten intolerant and headed for Diabetes II and can no longer have sugar. They could act bummed and a little scared. For all we know, she may kick into being a fabulous low-carb cook!

I remember having such a heavy heart when I realized I could no longer, in good conscience, be the Cookie Grandma. I was known throughout my family as THE best chocolate chip cookie maker! It broke my heart to make the decision to never make them again. But when I faced what that sugar was really doing to my beloved grandchildren (in a seemingly innocuous way) it was easier to keep my promise to myself. I did note to myself that as I wrote that to Heather, I missed making cookies, smelling them bake, seeing the babies watch them through the glass in the oven door and it makes me sad.

"You can sniff up just 1/4 inch of the line, after all, it's Easter."


But I digress. Heather mentioned her husband was a loving son and I'm sure he was upset when his mother cried, however, we really are dealing with substance abuse and it can sound whacko to say that, but there is scientific proof that sugar is addictive and the notion to have one delicious, mouth-watering slice of that 12 inch, 3 layer pecan meal torte that uses 15 eggs with the mocha ganache frosting, is not any different than saying to a cocaine addict facing a 12 inch line of cocaine, "You can sniff up just 1/4 inch of the line, after all, it's Easter."

As you know, food carries with it such emotion, as it should. Food is family. Food is tradition. Food is sustenance. Food is love. To eliminate sugar from our life has emotional consequences, but it can also be the door-way to self-awareness. Eliminating sugar makes us come face-to-face with craving. When we face a craving, we either subconsciously give in to it or we deal with the temptation. When we win, we make a mental note and we get stronger in self-confidence.

Heather said in her note, both she and her husband look and feel better. Of course they do! For one thing, if they both strapped a 20-pound bag of dog food or potting soil to their backs for just one day, and tried to carry out their regular activities, it’s my bet they couldn’t do it.

Back to addiction, one of the four defenses an alcoholic uses is denial. It’s so easy to deny that sugar is harmful, as most people do, and yet most our mainstream diets are herding millions into diabetes, obesity, wheel chairs, oxygen tanks and all the aids needed for the infirm. Just look around!


We addicts have to be strong, because we have to face the daily bombardment of advertising and those processed food guys are serious about staying in business. At least if you’re a cocaine addict, you don’t have to see the covers of women’s magazines with the current holiday rendition of cocaine cleverly portrayed. Can you imagine the cover of the April issue of Family Circle, with 5 Ways to Brighten-Up Your Easter Cocaine, showing a rainbow of colored cocaine, on a pretty table next to an Easter Bunny?




Instead you get hit with covers like this.


Yours in food, laughter and love,


P.S. If you REALLY want to cut out processed sugar completely...and you my book.