Get Organized Just Enough to Please You.

Get Organized to Relax and Have Fun!

Written by Pam Young | Sep 19, 2016 9:00:00 AM


Because this blog has nothing to do with getting and staying organized, and everything to do with having fun and relaxing, there's a habit to establish at the end for those who want that kind of information today.

Being organized has many facets and one of those is one we SHEs (Sidetracked Home Executives) are familiar with because it has to do with our creativity. Besides having fun comes naturally, although it can be squelched by overloaded work routines.


When we’re organized, we make time to have fun on a routine basis. SHEs who get organized get to play way more than SHEs who are disorganized. BOs (born organized) have a hard time playing in the first place, because there’s always work to be done.


We SHEs are creative and it’s that creativity that recharges our energy, just like a good nap does. My youngest daughter, Joanna, has found a wonderful way to relax and play with her artistic gift.

It all started with a Face Book page: and this comment on the page:  


We are painting rocks to "hide" around Vancouver and all of Clark County to spread joy and brighten people's day. Come join us! This is a community-building group meant to inspire creativity in all ages and energize people to explore the beautiful area we live in.

A hook for your purse will ultimately save hours

and lots of grief in your life.

All you have to do is find some rocks and some painting supplies and get creative! This is surprisingly fun for ALL ages young and older. Need inspiration? Search "rock painting" on Pinterest or Google Images to find lots of rock painting ideas.


We would love for you to post pictures of your painted rocks before you hide them, or when you find them, but you can participate anonymously if you prefer. If you find a painted rock from our group you can either keep it or re-hide it for someone else to find. If you decide to keep a rock, you are encouraged to hide a new rock somewhere in its place (but this is optional!)


The goal is to get lots of people all across our communities painting so that there are lots of rocks to be found out there. You might find yourself rediscovering parts of our community you haven't appreciated in a while. Get out and ENJOY the summer! Add any of your friends to our group who would be interested in doing this and share the link to this group on your personal FB page.


On the FB page you’ll find some tender photos of happy kids finding rocks as well as photos of rocks that are funny, beautiful, uplifting, inspirational and every positive adjective in between. Check it out.


Joanna says painting rocks is not only relaxing, it’s fun to find rocks in the wild and let them tell her what she should paint on them. She said that this rock was really shaped like a Converse and it begged her to paint it. She loaned it to me so Terry could take a picture of it and I’m sure she didn’t know you were going to see it. I had Terry shoot it against a lemon to give it size perspective.


I have to give it back because she’s going to hide it near the gym at the grade school across the street from her.


And now, here’s the habit to establish.


Establish This!


Hang your purse on a hook in a convenient place.


Instead of:


Putting it down anywhere, having to spend your precious time in frustration, looking for it later, only to find your toddler has taken it to her room and dumped the contents on the floor. As you begin to quickly refill your purse, you ask,


“Where are mommy’s car keys Jenny?”

“In the potty.”

“Why are they in there?”

“They’re takin a bath.”


Unfortunately, you find your keys, lipstick, checkbook, pen and cell phone in the toilet and you’re late for a meeting. “A stitch in time saves nine,” and a hook for your purse will ultimately save hours and lots of grief in your life.



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