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Happy 4th of July! We're Free!

Written by Pam Young | Jul 4, 2016 7:00:00 AM




is one of our basic human needs


When we leave our beloved countries behind, we’re seeking freedom from war. When we cut ties to toxic friends and even relatives, we’re seeking freedom from unnecessary drama and stress. When we eat healthily, we’re seeking freedom from illness. When we barbecue chicken, ribs, hamburgers and hot dogs, eat homemade potato salad and blow off millions of firecrackers, we’re celebrating our freedom as a county.


On July 4, 1776, the thirteen colonies claimed their independence from England, an event which eventually led to the formation of our United States. Each year on July 4th, also known as Independence Day, Americans celebrate this historic event by getting together with family and friends to eat, drink and be merry AND blow off millions of dollars’ worth of fireworks.

In a July 3, 2015 blog by Holly Johnson ( she wrote:


A few weeks ago, I received a flier from a

fireworks store that made me shake my head.

“Spend $400 in one purchase and earn 40% off for the rest of the season,” it read.

“What a bargain,” I thought as I flung it toward the recycling bin. I mean, does anyone really spend $400 at the fireworks store?

Then I remembered that, yes, many people do. Not only are most of my neighbors fireworks fanatics, but dozens of people I know do it every year, including people in my own family.

My uncle, for example, has been known to buy thousands of dollars in fireworks and put on a show for my entire extended family. The kids swim in the pool, we cook out, and he lights up the sky to the delight and giggles of all the little ones.

Most local towns in our area do the same, which means that anyone who pays local taxes is likely chipping in. In my old hometown even, they set off the biggest, brightest fireworks I’ve ever seen in the high school football field, and thousands of people gather nearby to watch.


Fireworks — the stats

And I know this isn’t just a local thing. In fact, a little research I uncovered shows that spending a boatload on fireworks is actually quite common. For more context on how much Americans spend overall, consider these facts from the American Pyrotechnics Association (APA):


In 2014, consumers spent $695 million total on fireworks for their own homes.

Overall firework spending doubled from $425 million in 1998 to more than $1 billion dollars in 2014, if you consider both consumer and retail spending on fireworks.


The largest fireworks displays to take place annually in the United States include shows in Seattle, San Francisco, Lake Tahoe, Addison, Texas, Washington D.C., Philadelphia, Atlantic City, New York City, and Boston.


What should the priorities be?

I have to admit, part of me just doesn’t get it. Sure, I’ve been known to buy a few sparklers or those black wormy things, but I simply cannot imagine spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on something that provides such a small return.

And although I try not to judge the people who do, I suppose there’s a part of me that thinks Americans have their priorities jacked up. With the average savings rate in the U.S. sitting at 5 percent, average household credit card debt now over $15,000, and the average retirement account severely lacking, part of me thinks it’s strange that we, as Americans, would spend so much on something that will be ultimately set on fire.


On the other hand, there’s something to be said for traditions, and fireworks on the 4th of July is as American as apple pie, Major League baseball, and the national anthem.


Either way, I’m going to do the same thing this year as I have done in years past. I’ll spend around $20 for a few sparklers and fireworks small enough to light in our driveway. Then we’ll head over to my uncle’s or the local high school to watch the kind of fireworks that explode in the sky for miles around.


I don’t dislike fireworks, and I don’t mind it when people light them off. I just happen to enjoy them a lot more when someone else is footing the bill.


How much do you spend on average for fireworks, if you do? Do you think Americans spend too much or too little? Are you ready for Independence Day?