Get Organized Just Enough to Please You.

Happy New Year! 2022

Written by Pam Young | Jan 5, 2022 12:22:23 AM




I’m bursting to tell you about our New Year’s Eve Party because it was THE MOST FANTASTIC party I’ve ever thrown or attended! It was rather spur-of-the-moment, but you SHEs (Sidetracked Home Executives) know the beauty of “the spur.”

The way it worked out, all our kids and grandkids were able to attend! So many of our friends all over the US joined us, I don’t have a count!

After being so sick most of December and then rallying right before Christmas, by New Year’s Eve our home could have been used for a set on a Hallmark Christmas movie, it was so festive. Our tree was to the ceiling, dripping in diamond, emerald and ruby lights and my dress! Well! Red silk, floor-length with a slit just to my knee, tightly fitting, showing off my very slim body (caused by my thyroid condition). I looked stunning!

 We had a string ensemble from the Oregon Symphony playing a long list of my favorite holiday songs, a scrumptious buffet, with lobster and a baron of beef catered by a company in Portland, Oregon that had escaped the riots and was thriving. All our guests were told it was black tie, so the place was humming with tuxedos and beautiful gowns. I declared the party a “no mask” affair so we could see what our guest’s mouths were doing; something that’s been missing for a couple of years.

One of the best parts to our party was we invited our parents and they came too! I also invited Pico, Suki, Chelsea and Sam, my pets who had passed and Tweezer’s my daughter Joanna’s parakeet who tragically died in my hands on the way to the vet.

By now, if not earlier, you’ve figured out the party was in my imagination. Was it when you read about me and my gown? The reality of our New Year’s Eve is, Terry and I sat alone in our undecorated living room with a glass of Cook’s Brut (probably never served in the White House) and created the evening, each adding to the scene. We had such a good time playing with each other, I decided to text some of the people whom I love to play with on my phone. I said to my son Michael, “We’re having a gala in our imagination and you and Meredith are coming with presents and very expensive champagne.” He responded in his usual abbreviated way, “No can’t be there.”

One of my best texting friends is Tom Brace, my first husband’s younger brother. We’ve developed a close friendship in the last few years and we even stayed at his home in the Hollywood Hills (an Airbnb) during a vacancy. When I invited him to our party, he sent a photo of a pepperoni pizza and said, he’d be there as soon as it was out of the oven.

The next morning I sent him a bill for damage he did at the party because he drank too much. (He doesn’t drink in real life.) He ended up getting some heavy-duty attorney to sue me if I continued to try and collect damages.

The whole point of my blog is, our imaginations are a magical gift we’ve been given, not only to play with, but to use in real life to our benefit. I remember using my imagination when I was living in a pigpen! The visions of the way I wanted my home to be, back when it wasn’t, gave me a Divine path to follow. When I look at my home today it’s unbelievable how close this reality is to the fantasy I conjured up in my mind 50 years ago!

I know from meeting Sidetrackers from all over the country over the years, that one of our gifts is our ability to use our imaginations. Your imagination is a trusty key to being, doing and having all that you want to be do or have.

If getting organized is your New Year’s Resolution write, an imaginary story about how it is, as if it were. I’d love to read your visions, if you want to share!

I love you all and thank you for following me all these years; it means more to me than you’ll ever know!



P.S. Since I invited all of you to my party on New Year's Eve and you all were there with your beautiful gowns and happy hearts I expect to hear what you thought of the event.