Get Organized Just Enough to Please You.


Written by Pam Young | May 15, 2018 5:16:38 PM



First I thought it was clever, but it sure was NOT! I am sorry that I made you think I was quitting because of my subject line in my last blog.

 Second, I minded the “experts” who said, “Have a catchy subject line to get your readers to open your blog.” Well indeed that worked, because the number of you that opened that last blog “The End of Sidetracked Home Executives” went through the roof. Unfortunately most of you only read the first paragraph that talked about how grateful I am for each of you and how grateful I am to be 75 (my birthday was May 8). Well I’m not quitting!

As with all mistakes, we learn valuable lessons and one of the many I learned from this is the average time anyone reads my blog is only one minute. That tells me my blogs are either too long or they’re boring or both. My last blog caused a huge stir, however, the majority of you thought I was really quitting, because you didn’t read far enough to see that the subject line referred to the end paragraph in my book, “Sidetracked Home Executives: from pigpen to paradise,” not that I was quitting. 

I’m not quitting! But for sure I'm not going to write long blogs anymore. That’s why this one is going to be short and I'm going to improve my message. I love you all and the kindness and love I received from you (even some snail mail) filled me with such desire to keep writing.

Thank you so much for all your well wishes! In a way, It was so nice to know how you all feel about me. I am slowly whittling down my inventory and I'm closing out more and more of my products, so don't forget if you want audio CDs of "The Mouth Trap: the butt stops here!" you'll get the printed book for free! Just click on the flag (photo was taken in our meadow and that's Mt. Hood in the background) to order. I'm closing out the audio CD program so this special goes as long as supplies last. I'll not be producing more.

Have a wonderful day and if you haven’t already, go make your bed.



PS Here's a blog about getting organized in your garden. Just click on the daisies.