Get Organized Just Enough to Please You.

Master Procrastinator Gets it Done Early

Written by Pam Young | Feb 12, 2018 10:00:00 AM



Can you remember a time when you got an assignment or task accomplished early? Say you got your income tax return completed and in by mid-February or you finished homework and had the weekend free of it hanging over your head.

Last week I received two assignments from a coordinator of faculty for Harmony College, and as a faculty member, I had to get information to her by certain deadlines. Assignment one was due by February 1 (which I did on February 1), assignment two had to be sent in by February 15. As a master procrastinator, I planned to do the work on the second assignment on February 15, when else?

However, last week, some sort of BO (Born Organized) angel descended upon me and I suddenly had the urge to take care of the work right then and there! It took about an hour (one of the reasons I’d planned to put it off until the last minute).

Are you ready for this? Something happened since I took care of this early and I know you’ve had this feeling some time in your life too. I felt somewhat arrogant, okay superior works better. Lofty thoughts like ‘I’ll bet I’m the first to get this information in,’ and ‘I’m really on the ball.’ The interesting part of this for me is I love the feeling of having it behind me. I feel like a real smarty pants!

The product I created for giving cash for birthdays, graduations and special occasions came from wanting to save time and money by not having to shop for gifts when I’m not sure what the person wants. Because I really don’t enjoy shopping, I routinely had put off getting a gift until the last minute. Many of you love to shop, but if you don’t, I think you’ll really like my invention. You can literally take care of giving gifts way ahead of the occasions and get that smarty-pants feeling! All you do is get or make (if you’re into crafting) the special occasion card and have the currency you wish to give. The invention is called Stick it Right on the Money and it consists of 12 post-it sticky frames that hold the bill in the greeting card and then there are 88 disguise stickers to disguise the face on the money.

Right now, you could get a jump on some big events coming this spring, like graduations, weddings, birthdays, Easter and baby showers by deciding to give money in a very creative way and have the task behind you!

Just click on Ben Franklin ($100) decorated like a grad and you can order the stickers and get a jump on gift-giving this spring. The Stick it Right on the Money Gift Giving Kit makes a super gift of its own for the busy person.


Happy Smarty Pants Days!
