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Need a Faith Lift?

Written by Pam Young | Jul 6, 2020 7:17:23 PM


Years ago my good friend Carole shared with me a turning point in her life. I don't remember the circumstance that prompted her life-changing experience. It could've been the day she fell through the ceiling rummaging around in their attic looking for a special box of cherished, but stored, keepsakes. She was eight months pregnant (that unborn is now in his 50s). Or it could have been the time she got locked out of the house with the bathtub running and half the house flooded. I could call her and get the reason, because she'd remember, but it's 5:00 am and she wouldn't appreciate the call. Anyway it's not important. What's important is she was at one of those extremely hard times we all can experience as humans.Read on to see what she said.

She told me, "I was lying on the bed when my snivelling turned into crying which lead to sobbing that developed into an hysterical combination of wailing and howling. I felt like the world had turned against me. I screamed out 'God where are you?' In that instant, Jesus appeared standing on the pillow beside me. He was about the size of a Barbie Doll and he was glowing. He said ten words to me and disappeared. 'Oh ye of little faith, why are you so afraid?' I knew it was from a verse from Matthew in the Bible, but to actually hear him say those words sucked the fear right out of me, and my faith was restored instantly.


It's in times like we're going through today when we can be so fearful, but if we can keep reminding ourselves that right where we are, God is and with faith we can let go of fear knowing we're not alone and everything will be alright. There is a power for Good in the Universe and it's in us ready for us to recognized and use whenever we decide to use it. Carole instantly became peaceful as I suppose those fishermen did when Jesus calmed the storm.

My mom used to say, "In ten years you'll laugh at this." It used to tick me off when I'd be in the middle of a teenage disaster or a mid-life dilemma like divorce with three young children, but she was right! We come out of our catastrophes with new perspectives and stronger than we were before the events.

If we watch the news, being positive can be as difficult as putting gloves on a large group  of two-year-olds. Take a break from the news if it upsets you. Take your worries into nature and dump them in the woods. Your pets are such great sounding boards. My dog Maggie is happy to listen to my complaints and concerns and when I take her out in the woods surrounding our home I let her set the pace. She spends a lot of time sniffing which I equate to reading, and when she has satisfied her curiosity with a particular place, she leaves it behind in search of the next event to read about. She doesn't worry, she just observes and moves on. Let's practice being like Maggie. Let's observe, know that all is in God's hands so there's nothing to worry about, and move on. 

Here are two books I recommend to help you stay positive and get organized at the same time.