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Sidetracked Home Executives: from pigpen to paradise

Written by Pam Young | Oct 8, 2019 10:00:00 AM


These profound words came in an email today from Abraham and Esther Hicks. The wisdom in them is worth forwarding to you all.

“We would like you to reach the place where you’re not willing to listen to people criticize one another… where you take no satisfaction from somebody being wrong… where it matters to you so much that you feel good, that you are only willing to think positive things about people…you are only willing to look for positive aspects; you are only willing to look for solutions, and you are not willing to beat the drum of all of the problems of the world.”

After reading the above quote this morning, I vowed to do what they were espousing. Maybe an hour later the thought of someone I’ve chronically criticized over something that happened at least 30 years ago, snuck into my mind producing a litany of criticisms. At least I caught myself and that’s the important thing. But the next thing I did was criticize myself for thinking the critical thought! Keeping our minds clean and clear for positive aspects is like keeping a home tidy and clean. It takes establishing a habit.

In “Sidetracked Home Executives: from pigpen to paradise” one of the habits I established was “Pick it up, don’t pass it up, then put it away.” Can you see how that one habit could get and keep your home free of clutter if every member of the family established it?

It dawned on me while looking at that critical thought I had about a person I hadn’t dealt with in years and inevitably caused me to criticize myself for thinking it, that I could use the “Pick it up, don’t pass it up, then put it away,” to help me clean up my mind of negative thinking.

So I picked up that thought (instead of thinking it and moving on) realized I don’t want those kinds of negative thoughts coming into my mental home and I put it away by blessing that person and wishing her success. Incidentally my definition of success is not about anything you can see, hear, touch, taste or smell, it’s how happy you are. By catching my negative thought and the subsequent negative thoughts, I was able to bless that person, forgive myself and get back to my goal of practicing to be happy.

In my new book, which comes out next year, I have an acronym for FORGIVE. Focus On Recognizing Goodness In Virtually Everything.

Be mindful about how good you feel. We don’t have to beat the drum of any problem when we can know there is a power for good in the Universe and we can use it. We’re not alone here in this world. Everything is always working out. We SHEs (Sidetracked Home Executives) are little solution machines. Since our disorganization causes us to have to go to plan B, we are master creators and we know it.

So, one more time: read it slowly and let the words sink in:

“We would like you to reach the place where you’re not willing to listen to people criticize one another… where you take no satisfaction from somebody being wrong… where it matters to you so much that you feel good, that you are only willing to think positive things about people…you are only willing to look for positive aspects; you are only willing to look for solutions, and you are not willing to beat the drum of all of the problems of the world.”

If you’re not totally convinced that your disorganization is genetic and a gift from God, you need to read “The Joy of Being Disorganized.”

Thank you for taking your time to read my blog. I hope you'll share it with your friends and family.
