Get Organized Just Enough to Please You.

Thank you! Thank you!

Written by Pam Young | Jun 3, 2015 10:00:00 AM

Married 43 years. Divorced 39. Still owes thank you notes!

One of the common threads in all the responses to a recent admissions exam for Club Organized was regret and guilt over not sending thank you notes.

One woman was so sorry and guilty for not sending them for her wedding 43 years earlier and she’d been divorced for 39 years! I can't help loving this woman!

The amazing thing we do to ourselves when we don’t thank someone is remember it forever. Every time you use the toaster you think of Aunt Sally and how she never got a thank you for it, and now she’s dead. It’s so easy to put off writing thank you notes, by thinking we just don’t have time and when we do have time, like when we’re waiting at the dentist or the DMV, we don’t have the cards to write.

Let’s fix this problem now. Here are two easy answers.

One is to read about my BUT Bags which hold more than just thank you notes and come in handy when you have to wait. (BUT stands for Back Up Tasks.)    

Two is to send the generic thank you and apology note I've written for you to use. Send it out on Face Book or email it to all your friends and family. Send it out and let go of the guilt. It’s over and you don’t need to carry guilt another minute. But you must “Go and sin no more.” In other words change your ways.

The note is general and it’s sort of like bug spray that’s blanketed over parks and rivers to kill mosquitos. It’s not going to reach everyone, but it’ll sure get to a lot of them. The truth is that you remember not sending cards more than the people you owe one to, remember you didn’t.

Can you think of anyone who owes you a thank you? If you do, I guess you could send that person a card forgiving them for not thanking you, but on second thought, if you are remiss at sending thank you notes, you’re sure not going to send “I forgive you” cards!

 Here’s your note:

I’m So Sorry and Thank You Very Much!

To all my friends and family,

If I owe you a thank you, whether it was for the gift you gave me for my wedding all those years ago, or the birthday gift(s), or any one of the wonderful things you’ve done for me in the past without so much as a simple card in the mail to convey my profound appreciation, I’m sorry. I’d just like to take this opportunity to thank you now. I also want you to note: you are not the only one I owe a thank you and an apology.

I have absolutely no excuse for not thanking you before now. I’ve always known I needed to thank you! In fact you’re on my mind a lot. I’m a very appreciative person and I’m one of the most thoughtful people I know, the trouble is most of the time that’s all I do is just think about it!

I know there’s something wrong with me (it’s genetic), and every year I vow I’m going to change and get organized, but by Valentine’s Day when I’m taking down the Christmas tree, I know it hasn’t happened yet  But I've joined the exclusive Club Organized and I'm getting help to change. (Putting my past behind me is my first step.) 

So, I’m writing this to you, and you know who you are, because I need you to know that I’m truly sorry and I appreciate any and everything you’ve given me or done for me up until now.

Some of my thank yous go way back and many of the people who didn't hear from me are dead, but those of you who are in my life today, please accept my apology and this note of appreciation.

Also, if by chance you owe me a thank you for something wonderful I’ve done for you, share this message with me on Face Book and consider me thanked.

Full disclosure: Thank you to Pam Young at for helping me erase all these years of guilt by writing this blanket apology for me to use! Pam says it's fine if you take this apology and send it to others or put it on your Face Book page as long as you give her credit.

Love, (sign your name before you send out)

Once you’ve posted the note above, get a pack of thank you notes, addresses and stamps and keep them in a Ziploc bag in your purse for those times you’re stuck waiting and you’ll never suffer guilt from owing a thank you ever again.


 P.S. I try to offer you ideas to enjoy life even more. My newest book  The JOY of Being Disorganized gives all kinds of tips, ideas and hints on to have more fun, peace and joy in your life and be organized just enough to please you.