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Wait 'til you try my "No Guilt" Egg McMuffins.

Written by Pam Young | Feb 6, 2015 12:00:00 PM

No hard plastic chairs, no long lines, and no teenager with a headset and an attitude. The benefits of making your own “fast food” are endless!

My nutritious, low-carb breakfast sandwich is not only good for you, it's a taste adventure that’ll leave your family lining up at your stove begging for seconds and thirds. We start with a pancake like “muffin” and fill it up with eggs, sausage or whatever your healthy heart desires.

We slash carb counts with this unique version of what Americans love most---good food that provides energy for our hectic busy days. One bite of my “Egg Pam Muffin” and you won't miss the old version at all. However, you may need to visit a clown now and then.

Now, the simple low carb recipe and the video of me cooking.

My Egg McMuffin

2 cups almond flour

2 tbsp. coconut flour

2 eggs beaten

2 Tbsp mayonnaise

One half tsp. Lawry’s Seasoned Salt

One half tsp. Penzeys Italian Dressing Base

1 cup unsweetened almond milk

Mix together well, all the ingredients. Melt one half tsp. coconut oil on medium high heat. Pour batter as you would for pancakes, making circles the size of English Muffins. Flip when bubbles start popping and bottom is golden brown.

P.S. I can gently help you get rid of sugar in your diet, start eating healthier and manage your weight with my book The Mouth Trap: the butt stops here.