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What SHE's Giving Up for Lent

Written by Pam Young | Mar 22, 2017 11:21:32 AM


This year, Lent began on March 1 and will end on April 13. They say it’s a 40 day fasting deal, but if you count Sundays it turns out to be 46 days of giving up something that you love and are in the habit of having.

Are you, or do you know anyone who is celebrating this period of restraint? It takes self-discipline to not eat or do something you really love for ten days, let alone 46 days, and when I look back over my 73 years I’ve always admired those who observe Lent. I never have been that disciplined.

Today, March 22, 2017, we’re smack dab in the middle of Lent, and I received this poem from Judith Robinson, an amazing writer and contributor to Club Organized. When I read her poem, I cried. Okay, I didn’t sob and get snot all over the place, but sweet tears of love for women and our humanity dripped, tastefully down my cheeks. Here's her poem with her permission.

Thank you Judith for your gift. You truly write from a SHE's (Sidetracked Home Executive) heart!  


this year for lent

                                    (a love poem)


I’ve given up. That’s it.

I’ve given up most everything

especially that pesky yearning to explain myself.

I’ve given up the daily checking CNN

and the wretched need to walk three miles a day.

I’ve given up completion of the projects I’ve begun.

Given up the stack of recipes yet to be cooked.

I’ve given up impartation of my wisdom as well as

that damn kitchen garden that betrayed me.

(won’t try that again)

I’ve given up the scams to make my skin look as good as new

Self-Help books

and crochet hooks

and needles, pins and batting.

I’ve given up the doctor’s diet to insure my healthy living,

thrown in my healthy living and the doctor for good measure.

Gave up cable, monthly magazines,

returning clothes that do not fit

I’ve given up my solemn vow to never smoke again.

I will make no effort to predict the coming of spring rain

or win at gin,

or make a million

or have my diploma framed.

I’ve quite given up misleading others and myself,

by throwing out my gold stilettos.

I’m giving up on sunscreen,

won’t read trashy novels on the beach I won’t be

visiting spring break.

Extending all I’m giving up for Lent throughout the year

just might make me sane, so

next year I’ll give up sanity, logic, order,

and my habit of validating gravity by falling.

All this I sincerely sacrifice, but to survive

for forty days I will need chocolate, wine and you.

 Copyright 2017          Judith Robinson

Here's a blog I wrote about what we really want in life from my perspective. 


PS I found a few CD sets of "Keeping in Touch from 1997"! Each CD is an hour long and there are 12, one for each month. In each hour Peggy and I talk about the main events of each month and give hints and tips for SHEs. They're so fun to listen to while you do mindless household chores.