Get Organized Just Enough to Please You.

Your Summer of 2018

Written by Pam Young | Sep 4, 2018 10:32:00 AM



Looking back over your summer, can you think of at least five highlights? Maybe you went on a vacation or had friends come and visit. Maybe you cleaned out the garage, basement or attic and you have that glorious feeling of freedom from stuff that no longer serves you. Perhaps you healed from an illness or accident and are feeling like yourself again. Maybe you had a baby or you welcomed a new pet into your home. Maybe your garden was the best it has ever been and you can see you’ll be eating tomatoes that almost taste like candy, well into fall. Maybe you learned about something that has changed your life and set you in a different direction.

In the course of your Summer of 2018 there have been wonderful events, people and situations that have taken place. Take a few minutes and see how many highlights you can come up with.

The wonderful thing about doing a mental exercise like this is that it’ll lift your spirit. This kind of exercise is as important as any exercising you do at the gym to strengthen your body. Your mind is such an incredible gift and you have control over it. But just like getting in shape physically takes repetitive exercises, so does exercising your mind.

When you ask your mind for a happy thought from your summer highlight file it’ll mind you. When you sit with the thoughts that it comes up with you’ll create a mental atmosphere around you and you’ll open yourself up to have more highlights flow to you right now and into September and beyond.   

At the end of every day, my husband and I talk about the highlights of our day and we can usually each come up with three or four and sometimes five. It’s so fun for us to scan the day we’ve lived and revisit the best parts of it. That got me to thinking about what the best parts of our summer were.

Our first great grandchild was born in August. We had a bumper crop of wild blackberries and were able to pick 20 gallons. That led me to making wild blackberry jelly to use as Christmas gifts. Each gift will have a jar of jelly, dry muffin mix (just add egg and milk), muffin papers and directions for making the muffins. Our yard looks better than ever this summer. As more and more perennials keep their promises of colorful flowers and shades of green foliage and our trees, which I planted 15 years ago as babies, are now strong enough and big enough for me to climb in, our yard becomes more inviting and beautiful!

Your Summer of 2018 is almost over and Mother Nature, being very organized, has her decluttering plan in action. You’ll notice leaves are starting to fly in the wind, as She begins to let go of what is no longer serving her. By spending time remembering the joys of this summer, you’ll get a very strong feeling of how good your life is and that each day is a gift given to you to enjoy to its fullest.

As Abraham Hicks says, “A happy life is just a string of happy moments. But most people don’t allow the happy moment, because they’re so busy trying to get a happy life.” Enjoy the happy moment!
