Clean-Out-the-Mayo-Jar Salad Dressing

Shake it baby!

Nope, we're not at the disco we're back in the kitchen saving time, money and carbs. This time we're talking about one of my favorite subjects—mayonnaise. When you get to the end of a jar, you're going to add some yummy ingredients, put the lid back on and shake it! Voila-- you've just created a creamy, gourmet salad dressing good enough for a fancy five star restaurant. Who knows.....after you blend up this flavorful masterpiece you just might decide to open one!


And for the heck of it I'll toss in a LOW CARB white sauce that's delicious. Also, since I no longer eat sugar-laden catchup I make this instead.

If you don't believe me about the carbs, look at the back of a catchup bottle and read how many there are.


Clean-Out-the-Mayo-Jar Salad Dressing

5 cloves of garlic, smashed and peeled

Three quarters of a cup of white vinegar

Three quarters cup of olive oil

An almost empty jar of mayonnaise (you know when you’ve gotten all you can out of it)

1 teaspoon Penzeys Italian Base Dressing

1 teaspoon Lawry’s Season Salt

Put garlic and vinegar into the almost empty mayonnaise jar and shake, shake shake it until all the mayonnaise is cleaned off the insides by the garlic banging against them. Pour contents into a blender and blend.

In a small bowl, add the contents from the blender and add the olive oil and spices.

Whisk together. The longer you whisk the thicker it gets.

Low-carb White Sauce

One quarter cup mayonnaise

One quarter cup real sour cream

One quarter cup FULL fat Greek yogurt

Mix well. You can add fresh chopped onions, jalapenos or other spices.



P.S. If you REALLY want to lose weight, eat healthy  and feel better, buy my latest book  The Mouth Trap: the butt stops here!

Mouth_Trap_lo_carb         Buy The Mouth Trap: the butt stops here!

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