Take a Declutter Pity Trip with Me

Posted by Pam Young

Mar 9, 2021 5:45:00 AM


An off-the-wall closet organizing project. It just might work for you.


When you see a photo like this, are you inspired to learn how to declutter and have an organized closet? 

What you wear takes up a lot of your energy and when your closet is constipated with stuff you don’t wear (for whatever reason), it becomes a gigantic IPOD (Important Pile of Decisions). Your closet is just like your garage if your car is parked in the drive-way.

What might surprise you is the pile of decisions isn’t a bunch of various decisions like when you have to file papers into a filing cabinet, because 90% of the stuff you’re not making a decision about just needs to go! Good-bye, ciao, ta ta, Cheerio, farewell! How to de-junk is that simple! Let it go!

I helped people get the spark and motivation to declutter for 40 years and have come up with some very creative and fun ways to give you that spark. This one I’ll call Operation Pity Trip.

I Hope You'll Want To

Topics: De-Cluttering, organizing clothes closet, de-junking

Take a Declutter Pity Trip to Freedom

Posted by Pam Young

Aug 27, 2019 12:53:45 PM


An off-the-wall closet organizing project. It just might work for you.


When you see a photo like this, are you inspired to declutter and have an organized closet? 

What you wear takes up a lot of your energy and when your closet is constipated with stuff you don’t wear (for whatever reason), it becomes a gigantic IPOD (Important Pile of Decisions). Your closet is just like your garage if your car is parked in the drive-way.

What might surprise you is the pile of decisions isn’t a bunch of various decisions like when you have to file papers into a filing cabinet, because 90% of the stuff you’re not making a decision about just needs to go! Good-bye, ciao, ta ta, Cheerio, farewell! How to de-junk is that simple! Let it go!

I’ve been helping people get the spark and motivation to declutter for 43 years and have come up with some very creative and fun ways to give you that spark. This one I’ll call Operation Pity Trip to Freedom.

I Hope You'll Want To

Topics: De-Cluttering, organizing clothes closet, de-junking

Let's Take a Declutter Pity Trip

Posted by Pam Young

Jul 15, 2015 3:03:00 PM


An off-the-wall closet organizing project. It just might work for you.


When you see a photo like this, are you inspired to learn how to declutter and have an organized closet? 

What you wear takes up a lot of your energy and when your closet is constipated with stuff you don’t wear (for whatever reason), it becomes a gigantic IPOD (Important Pile of Decisions). Your closet is just like your garage if your car is parked in the drive-way.

What might surprise you is the pile of decisions isn’t a bunch of various decisions like when you have to file papers into a filing cabinet, because 90% of the stuff you’re not making a decision about just needs to go! Good-bye, ciao, ta ta, Cheerio, fairwell! How to de-junk is that simple! Let it go!

I’ve been helping people get the spark and motivation to declutter for almost 40 years and have come up with some very creative and fun ways to give you that spark. This one I’ll call Operation Pity Trip.

I Hope You'll Want To

Topics: De-Cluttering, organizing clothes closet, de-junking

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