Taking a Turn for the Best
Because we’re human we get tempted by foods (and other things) that we know aren’t especially good for us. It’s just not fair that foods that aren’t good for us, taste so darn good!
Been on the SES Diet lately (Summer Eating Spree Diet)? You know, too much potato salad and too many corn on the cobs, hot dogs, hamburgers, potato chips, s’mores, sodas, beers, cupcakes and crackers and more. They’re all the treats of summer picnics, camping and barbecues and we associate these fun times with those fun foods. And you probably have it in your mind that those times without those treats just wouldn’t be fun.
Usually we get back on track because there’s something in the future, compelling us. Maybe it’s a health problem and your doctor says you need dump the doughnuts and hit the gym or you’ll drop dead pretty soon. Or, maybe it’s just a wedding approaching and you’re one of the bride’s maids and you don’t want to be the fattest one. Or, maybe you’re planning a vacation and you want to have energy to walk a lot. The decision is the first part of the turn and then you have to have the motivation to make the turn and that’s where a compelling reason kicks in.
Maybe it’s time to go into your imagination booth (by closing your eyes) and use your imagination to get back on the right track. You can take me with you, using these 4 suggestions.