Terry and I love to watch professional football and I love to snack while I watch! So I’ve always made sure we have “football watching
snacks.” Our snacks used to always include what the advertisers were able to entice Nelly (my inner child) into buying i.e. chips, dips, beer, pizza AND PLENTY OF IT!
I ask myself why? Why do I have to eat while I watch football? The answer was impressive: Just because we do. Now I’ve known Nelly long enough to know when she’s in the room. An answer like that is obviously one from a child.
I love it when Nelly has my attention because that’s when I get the most wonderful ideas! So I said,
“Hi Nelly, how are ya?”
“So tell me a little more about this ‘it’s just what we do’ deal.”
“Havin’ snacks and food during the Super Bowl IS what we always do! Everybody does it. You know we see ‘em on TV eatin’ and cheerin’ and drinkin’ and laughin.’ It looks so fun! It’s like those bumper bash parties they have in parking lots only in our living room!”
“You mean tailgate parties?”
“Yeah, those.”
“Well, I’m not saying we can’t party, but it’s not going to be with all that unhealthy food anymore. Today the Seattle Seahawks play the Patriots, and I’m going to try something new.”
“NO! I want barbequed potato chips, with Ranch dip and Cheeze-Its and piz”
“Calm down, it’s just going to be an experiment, one game, I promise and I’ll have a surprise for you.”
(I love it when I tell myself I’ll have a surprise! It really means I haven’t thought what the special reward will be, but when I do it’ll be a nice surprise.)
“What surprise?”
“Well, I’m not telling right now, but you’ll love it!”
My experiment during the game was most enlightening. Terry got his chips, but I also made deviled eggs and had a lot of fresh vegetables cut up for him too. Nelly and I just had celery. (My surprise was a train ticket to Seattle to see my grandchildren who live up there.) I chose, just celery because I wanted this experiment to be drastic and I wanted to keep my attention on Nelly.