Five Pounds is Kinda Heavy!

Posted by Pam Young

Nov 30, 2018 5:46:00 AM


It's been years since Terry and I decided to drastically reduce carbohydrates from our life. It was so FUN (even though I thought it'd be hard!) that I just had to write a book about what happened to us as we totally changed the way we eat and have never gone back to counting calories. In this video I'm reading an excerpt from "The Mouth Trap: the butt stops here!"

I hope what I discovered resonates with you. We live in such miraculous bodies and they go all out to move us around our world whether we weigh what we weighed in high school or what we've collected over the years. This chapter deals with the realization of how heavy just five pounds is.


When you order "The Mouth Trap:the butt stops here!" audio CD set, I'll give you the printed book too as my gift. (You won't see those words when you go to order, but I'll be watching as orders come in and I'll make sure you get the printed book with the Audio CD set.

The Mouth Trap: the butt stops here!





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Topics: Health

I Cooked Two Birds with One Stove

Posted by Pam Young

Nov 29, 2018 2:35:10 PM


A Thanksgiving to Remember by Pam Young


My mom always fixed the Thanksgiving feast
The meal? A traditional winner
I know she rose before the sun
‘cause she told us all through dinner

As a young mother I decided one year
That I should take over the job
Mom was very impressed that I
Would volunteer to host the mob

For our family had grown to sixteen
With cousins and uncles and aunts
The meal involved some traditions
A recipe that came in the pants

I Hope You'll Want To

Cooked Two Birds with One Stove

Posted by Pam Young

Nov 29, 2018 2:00:00 PM


A Thanksgiving to Remember by Pam Young


My mom always fixed the Thanksgiving feast
The meal? A traditional winner
I know she rose before the sun
‘cause she told us all through dinner

As a young mother I decided one year
That I should take over the job
Mom was very impressed that I
Would volunteer to host the mob

For our family had grown to sixteen
With cousins and uncles and aunts
The meal involved some traditions
A recipe that came in the pants

Of an ancestor who crossed over
On the Mayflower moons before
The Young family sausage stuffing
With ingredients more than four

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Great Gift Ideas Everyone Will Love

Posted by Pam Young

Nov 27, 2018 4:17:06 PM


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Topics: holidays, christmas

Happy Thanksgiving!

Posted by Pam Young

Nov 22, 2018 7:00:00 AM


Blessings to you and your family from my house to yours.

As you come into this holiday season, let the spirit of the season bite you right where it’ll get your attention…your heart. Right now, instead of fussing about all the stuff you have to do, focus on what makes you want to fuss with the stuff in the first place. It’s love. Love of your family and friends, love of the traditions you have that have survived every year of your life. God knows what you love and just as you delight in a desire to give to your children to delight them, God loves to give to us to delight us. The ironic thing about that is, what we really want is to feel good and that choice is being offered to us every second.

I was at The Dollar Tree yesterday and I ran into a mom with an infant in a stroller being guarded by her four-year-old. We got to talking and I said, “Do you love this time of year, being able to know what your kids love and want for Christmas and then being able to be the one who can see those wishes come true?” She literally lit up with the question and her answer shot goose bumps all over me. It was like we were in this beautiful zone of positive energy.

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How to Use Your Imagination to Have a Clean Home

Posted by Pam Young

Nov 18, 2018 7:07:00 AM


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SHE Don’ts for this Thanksgiving

Posted by Pam Young

Nov 15, 2018 5:26:00 AM




SHEs (Sidetracked Home Executives) have to be very cautious when any big holiday comes around and Thanksgiving is no exception. The excitement accompanied by our amazing creative abilities can send us to places that make great material for sitcoms. If you don’t want to slip over the holiday edge this year, the following DON’Ts will help you think twice before you make any festive moves.


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Get Back the Feeling

Posted by Pam Young

Nov 6, 2018 1:08:55 PM


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Low-Carb Breakfast Casserole Video

Posted by Pam Young

Nov 3, 2018 6:16:00 AM

Reducing your intake of carbohydrates can sound a little sad. Afterall we love "the white stuff." You know, potatoes, rice, pasta and bread, our blessed "comfort" foods. But since Terry and I have been living a low-carb lifestyle for the last eight years, I've figured out how to cook many delicious meals without the carbs. This is a delicious, company breakfast dish you can make the night before so you won't have to get up extra early in the morning to fix a meal for your overnight guests. So please enjoy this short cooking video. 

If you've been thinking about losing weight by reducing your carbohydrates, I hope you'll read my book "The Mouth Trap: the butt stops here!" I share how Terry and I slashed our carbohydrates eight years ago and are still enjoying the healthy results. We'll never go back!

Buy The Mouth Trap: the butt stops here!

Here's the recipe and video for the low-carb breakfast casserole.

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It's Time to Cozy Up!

Posted by Pam Young

Nov 1, 2018 11:51:10 AM

If you’re a cozy person, you probably have a cozy home.


Now that winter will be coming soon, do you get the urge to cozy up the place? Webster defines cozy as: enjoying warmth and ease, marked by the intimacy of family or a close group. It takes a cozy person to make a cozy home. For every cozy home, you'll find a happy family.


When I was growing up, our house was always cozy, but as the holidays came closer, the coziness factor seemed to rise. Do you think it could be genetic? If it is I got my cozy gene from Mom who got hers from Granny.


I Hope You'll Want To

Do You Have a Cozy Home?

Posted by Pam Young

Nov 1, 2018 5:46:00 AM

If you’re a cozy person, it probably is.


Now that winter will be coming soon, do you get the urge to cozy up the place? Webster defines cozy as: enjoying warmth and ease, marked by the intimacy of family or a close group. It takes a cozy person to make a cozy home. For every cozy home, you'll find a happy family.


When I was growing up, our house was always cozy, but as the holidays came closer, the coziness factor seemed to rise. Do you think it could be genetic? If it is I got my cozy gene from Mom who got hers from Granny.


Every home that Granny made was cozy.

Three of her homes that I can recall, were only two rooms; two cozy rooms. I remember one winter, Mom, Dad and my baby sister, Peggy, had to live with Granny for more than a week. The Northwest experienced what they call a Silver Thaw. I think I understand what happens when one hits. First of all, the air nearer to the ground is below freezing and the air a little higher up is above freezing. When the precipitation hits the freezing air, it turns to ice. The super fine ice collects on everything, turning the landscape into a sugary, slippery wonderland. 


Before the Silver Thaw, it had snowed about six inches. When the ice storm hit, it covered the snow with such a thick layer of ice that we could walk across the snow and not crunch through. The ice collected enough to pull huge trees over. Power lines were powerless to escape the accumulation of the frozen water and electricity was cut off for more than a  week. That’s why we went to Granny’s. Our home was all electric. Granny had a wood stove. 


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