Get the secret today! 
Today I'm sharing my prize-winning recipe for deviled eggs with you.*
Watch this cooking video and learn how easy they are to make. When you serve a platter of these to your family, they'll be begging for more and if you take a plate of them to the church potluck, you'd better make a quadruple batch 'cause it's not fair that every person get one.
You'll find many healthy...and here on my website. Just tap on Lose Weight and a menu will come down. You'll see Recipes. To see cooking videos, look to the right under Posts by Topic and you'll see Cooking videos.
If you want some fast and fun, easy recipes, check out the Phony Gourmet Cookbook. It originally sold for $15 in bookstores and now it's only $5!
* Ok, ok the award-winning prize was given to me by my husband. So sue me!