It takes about 21 days of not eating sugar to transform your tongue into a tastebud-touting, pleasure producer. In 2011 Terry and I quit sugar by getting it out of our home and consequently our diet and it was a shock to both of us how sweet vegetables became after those 21 days. Fruit is so sweet it's like biting into a candy bar and whenever I've eaten cake or ice cream on rare occasions, they are sickenly sweet and I feel awful afterwards. In fact every time I've eaten sugar I get a hangover like I'd been on some kind of drinking binge.
You ought to try cutting sugar out of your diet for just 21 days and see if you aren't shocked too. 21 days, just three weeks, and by that time you'll have established a new habit and you won't miss sugar at all.
Here's a post that comes from a very happy eater and I wanted to share with you what she discovered.
Hey Pam,
Just so you know, I’ve never written a “fan” letter ever and I’ve never written a testimonial to an author, but that has changed! Your book The Mouth Trap made me laugh and learn. I’m 46 and I was feeling very old until I read your book. When I saw your beautiful happy face on the cover your joy and humor drew me to find out more! That was a fateful day, Pam. In four months, I’ve lost 25 pounds following your advice. I’ve retrained my taste buds and I no longer crave sweets! That is a big deal!! Oh and I don’t feel old anymore, because I have so much more energy and I feel so good. This is the first diet I’ll never go off of! Thank you. Sharon in Washington
First of all it’s not me on the cover of my book, "The Mouth Trap: the butt stops here!" It’s my neighbor Shannon and she does have a beautiful face which reflects her beauty on the inside as well. She agreed to be my model and I assured her the mouse trap we used in the photo was a brand new one that hadn't previously caught a mouse.
The book will teach you to slow down and enjoy every bite of food you take. You’ll grow to appreciate the work of one of your most priceless gifts; your tongue. I’ve been enjoying a sugar and low-carb lifestyle for seven years and like Sharon I could never go off this way of eating. Get the book and give it a try.
Just click on Shannon to order. Note: If you're interested in the CD audio book, if you purchase the set I'll throw in the printed book with your order for free. I'm discontinuing the CDs so when they're gone, I won't be ordering more.

Note: When you change anything as drastically as cutting out something you've been used to, it takes focus, because you're breaking a long-lasting habit. To stick with the decision you need the approval and cooperation of your inner child or that part of you that loves sweets. The process is like breaking up with a boyfriend or divorcing. Your emotions will come into play and if you're prepared for the friction, you will win.
I've discontinued the audio CD set and I have a few left. It you purchase it, I'll give you the printed book free. (When you order, it won't say you're getting the free book, but you will because every CD order gets flagged in our shipping department.)
I'd love to hear from you after 21 days!