The Magical Power of a Daily Routine
At this very moment, you are creating your tomorrow with your habitual thoughts and subsequent actions. If you love the consequences these habits are dilivering to you, you’re on a magnificent journey through this life you’ve been given. But if you don’t particularly like the way your life is going right now, you have the power to choose new thoughts that’ll create wonderful consequences for your tomorrow.
Do you know who Ordelle Daily is? She’s a fictitious character I drummed up and wrote a poem about to explain what a BO (Born Organized) is. Here’s a letter from a reader who remembered Ordelle Daily
Dear Pam,
I read your books in the early 80s, did your 3x5 card organizing system at least five times with great success every time, but over the years, I’ve felt like a failure because I’ve never been able to be consistent with the system.
Then I read your new book because, once again I found myself in a humongous mess. While reading it, I realized why I’ll never be like my mother who was an Ordelle Daily. I’m ME and there’s only one of me with all my creative inconsistencies! Thank you for shining a beautiful light on who I really am!
Ordelle is a powerhouse of habit. Here’s the poem I wrote about her. I’ll warn you ahead of time; it’s got a sad ending.
Ordelle Daily was an organized soul
No one could match her skill
The crack of dawn was her rising time
Her day was a routine drill.
Showered and dressed in just under ten
Breakfast in less than three
Dishes cleared, the dusting done
She knew she wouldn’t be free
Until the table was set for dinner
And the bathrooms were sanitized
And the plants in her terrarium
Were properly fertilized
And the pile of ironing nagging her
(Just a blouse and her husband’s shirt)
Were pressed to their perfection
And put away so they wouldn’t hurt
The streamline look in her laundry room
A sight not seen by most
With its white and shiny counters
And appliances she could boast
Were cleaned on the inside
Polished on the out
Twice a day
With the right amount
Of elbow grease
And lemon pledge
She even polished
The window ledge
Then back upstairs
To make the bed
Brush her teeth
While her prayers were said
Vacuum carpets,
Check the clock
Exactly time
To wake the flock.
“Get up kids,
It’s time to rise”
Back down stairs
To bake some pies
At eight when the kids got on the bus
Her day had just begun
She didn’t waste a moment
But worked straight through to one
At one she ate an apple
While she wrote a menu plan
Answered several letters
Then off to the store she ran
She never had to look for things
They were always in their place
Her hair was always perfect
She had make-up on her face
She never missed appointments
And she’d always get there early
Tardy wasn’t even part
Of her vocabulary
That’s why it’s so ironic
That when her name was in the news
A synonym for tardy
Was the word the writer used
The column in the paper said,
“Ordelle was thirty four,”
She left behind a tidy home
From the ceiling to the floor
Ordelle never played in life
She worked to her demise
The writer named the funeral home
Where the “late” Ordelle Daily lies
Why You're Not Organized Right Now LOL
Want to know the real reason you’re not organized right now? LOL. (No, that question isn't something to laugh at, this time LOL stands for Love Of Live.) You are a lover of life! You’re a passionate person and you love all the projects that life serves up to you including getting organized. You love to start fresh with abundant enthusiasm and you love people.
Because of your God-given ability to establish habits (good or bad) you spend most of your life in habitual mode. If you have habits that don’t serve up wonderful consequences, now’s the time to make changes, first in your thinking. Do you want an Ordelle Daily life? If you’re a SHE (Sidetracked Home Executive) I don’t think you do. You want to have fun with family and friends, eat good food, sleep well and because you’re not meant to be unhappy, you have a divine urge to be happy.
You have the power to have a marvelous new life and you are the only one who can define what that looks like.
Start defining! What’s the first thing that comes to your mind? Write it down as if it’s true now and stick those words in every place you can think of that will cause you to bump into it. You might write down, I am organized just enough to please me. Stick that sentence in your purse, write it in your phone, tape it to the bathroom mirror, inside a kitchen cupboard, inside the freezer, on the dashboard of your car, you get the idea.
Now go make a new tomorrow. (Here's a blog about a daily routine with a cranky husband.) Just click on the deer at my gate.
P.S. My book "The Joy of Being Disorganized" will help you on your journey to get organized just enough to please you. Just tap on the cover.