Here are some questions and some presumptuous answers.
1. Question: Why do you want to be organized? Answer: You know you’ll feel better.
2. Question: What is that you look forward to during the holidays? Answer: Sharing fun, food, celebration and love of God with family and friends.
3. Question: How have those past holidays measured up to your desires? Answer: I wish I’d been more organized.
The answer to question #1 is correct for everyone; we know that getting organized will make us feel better.
When I got organized in 1977 (yes 40 years ago) I knew I’d feel better if I got organized, because I came from a home that was run by a loving BO whose main goal in life was to create a cozy, clean, happy home. My mom accomplished her goal and I was witness to and recipient of the results of what order does for a family.
Mom loved the holidays and so did Dad. They weren’t religious people, but they loved God and made sure we were in Sunday school every Sunday, even though they didn’t go to church. I loved the teaching I received every week and it caused me to study to become a minister. Alas I got sidetracked into my career as a wife and mother, but I took my learning with me.
The holidays can be a really stressful time of year when we’re disorganized. It’s not the time to embark on de-junking and deep cleaning. It’s the time to learn to get a little direction that will allow you to enjoy the spiritual nature of the holidays as well as the decorations and festivities. The holidays were meant to be fun!
Kathy Roberts (The Tidy Tudor) and I are going to help you make the preparations as much fun as the celebration itself. After all if the journey isn’t fun, usually the destination won’t be either!
When you think about it...the events we can spend weeks and even months preparing for are over in a flash so why not make all that leads up to them all a part of the celebration so that your efforts will feel well worth it and you won’t lose the feeling (spiritual) nature of the holidays.
During this time of year it’s not the time to care about your crammed clothes closet, the basement, the storage area, under the fridge or the bulging linen closet. It’s the time of year to have a clean kitchen, a cozy living area, a welcoming dining room, a clean bathroom and comfy bedrooms sleep and wake up in.
Kathy and I have a plan that will not only help you get what is important done without having to pay for it later with a tired body, a stressed mind and a family that's a little afraid of you, it’ll also keep you in the right direction when it comes to your attitude. You can start right now with an attitude of expecting this fabulous time of year to be just that from now until the New Year!
Plan to get in on our webinar on October 26th, just 4 weeks from Thanksgiving and only 8 weeks and 3 days till Christmas! Just click on our Christmas tree to sign up for the live webinar.
With Lots of Love,
