If you’ve spent a lot of time reading about de-junking, de-cluttering, streamlining and simplifying and the information hasn’t helped you with your issue of having too much stuff, maybe considering this will help. Having too much stuff is a good thing! Think about it. All of your stuff, your books, furniture, jewelry household utensils, food, clothes, and on-and-on are answers to your desires. Even the stuff you inherited or someone gave you; represents the answers to your desires. “Ask and it shall be given.”
It’s likely you are financially better off than your parents and maybe if you experienced poverty in your childhood you’ve had a stronger desire to have nice things, than someone who always has had them.
In the 80s, Peggy and I helped 100s of women streamline their homes through Project CHAOS (Can’t Have Anyone Over Syndrome). Many were women who had parents who lived through the Depression in the 1930s. Our mom was one who remembered that Depression and while she was always organized and never had too much stuff, she wanted to have nice things and spent her life continually improving our home and its contents.

I remember that she watched the soap operas with the sound turned down so she couldn’t hear what was going on. She said, “You can follow the latest fashion trends in clothing and household interiors by paying attention to the Hollywood sets and wardrobes. They hire top fashion experts and interior designers to present the latest trends. I turn off the sound so I can concentrate on what’s in now.” She’d watch a few episodes each season, taking copious notes in her notebook. Our home always looked like a fashion magazine spread!
Whatever your past was, it’s what has lead you to now and what you have. Look what you’ve been able to have! In fact the more you have, the more evidence you have of your ability to fulfill your heart’s desire.
The beauty of having too much stuff is that sooner or later (hopefully sooner than later when you find yourself a feature on a hoarder show) your desire to simplify your life will rear its lovely head and you’ll easily go from receiving mode to giving mode! What an exquisite plan God has put in place for us.
Giving Mode
Instead of thinking of having to get rid of stuff, try thinking of getting to give away stuff. The thought ‘What do I get to give away today?’ has such power in it. Set your timer for 15 minutes and see how much you can collect to give away today. With that thought in mind, pull out a drawer that’s crammed full of fulfilled desires, and remove all the items you haven’t used in the last year. See if you can fill a box or a bag, knowing that somewhere out there someone is in desire mode and will be thrilled to get your no longer needed stuff.
Think about how wonderful it feels when you’re in desire mode, and you find something you want! If your drawers, closets, storage units, basement and attic are filled with stuff you no longer use, they are literally filled with future wonderful feelings that’ll be felt by those who are in desire mode, once you give them away! Have you ever thought that every item in your house that you no longer use, has within it the energy of joy to be experienced by its next owner?
Everything is energy in some form. Maybe the stuff we no longer use, need or want puts out negative vibes so we'll make an effort to get them out. Think of your unwanted stuff screaming at you, "Let me out! I don't want to be here anymore! Please, please, please!"
For a blog on how to declutter, just click on the rhododendron.
To learn how to get organized just enough to please YOU, please read The Joy of Being Disorganized. Just click on the cover to purchase.