What do you like most about eating? Is it when the food hits your stomach? Is it the swallow and the texture of the food going down your throat? Or is your favorite part the aroma of good food and the taste while it’s in your mouth? Your answer is probably the latter. We have been given such a gift in taste. I’ll bet God thought, ‘Hmm, my little humans are going to have to eat several times a day and knowing how busy they’ll get I’d better put some kind of an alarm in their brains to remind them it’s time to eat again (I’ll call it hunger), and I’ll put a device in the hole I’ve made for the food to go in that will cause them to enjoy what they put in it.’ So he invented the tongue with buds all over it to enjoy the taste of sweet, salt, sour and bitter. Then he designed the nose with two holes in it so we could breathe while we chew (since it should take about a minute of chewing per bite). Then I think He threw in the sense of smell mostly so we’d be able to enjoy a million other subtle tastes He created for us.
2. Pay Attention to what’s going on in your mouth
In all the years you’ve owned your mouth; you probably haven’t paid that much attention to what’s going on inside of it. Sure you take care to brush your teeth after meals, to floss and to visit the dentist regularly. You decorate the outside of your mouth with lipstick and use lip balm when your lips get chapped, but have you really paid attention to its internal workings? Awareness of what goes on in your mouth is the key. It’s a mental matter.
By mindfully enjoying meals, for more than four years, I’ve examined and analyzed the “bite,” as if I were a devoted researcher working with state of the art equipment. I’ve discovered some very important information that involves focused attention to the common bite of food we take. The result of my research will help you enjoy your food ten times more than you do now and ultimately lose weight because you’ll be satisfied with less.
3. Once food is in your mouth increase the pleasure of eating
Our enjoyment of food lies in the taste, which is the tongue’s job, along with its worthy partner the nose. As soon as you swallow, the duo is through working (except for sleuthing work by the tongue as it checks for stuff that’s stuck in your teeth and hiding places in your mouth). So, once the food has left the room the pleasure goes with it. Think of a bite of food as if it were a comedian you love. If you invited that comedian to entertain at your party, you wouldn’t have him come and tell one joke and leave. You’d want him to stay in the room and tell as many jokes as he could and the longer he could stay the better.
Your tongue is like a person just waiting to be entertained. If you want to increase the pleasure of eating, don’t swallow so fast. When you prolong the chewing process prior to the swallow and let your tongue play its impressive role in your enjoyment, you’ll be getting the most out of eating. You’ll be getting the biggest bang for your bite. You’ll automatically take longer to eat and you’ll eat less, because your stomach will have time to tell you it’s full.
4. Listen to the voice
Incidentally, the voice that tells you you’re full is very, very quiet like the one you’d use in church to tell your husband his fly is unzipped. The voice that tells you you’re hungry is loud and obnoxious like the one you’d use to tell him for the millionth time to PUT DOWN THE TOILET SEAT.
5. Count your chews
So let me ask you a question; how many times, just off the top of your head, do you think you chew each bite? I’ve observed that most people take a bite and chew about ten times. When I started “studying” my own chewing habit I discovered with one bite (about a tablespoon) I would chew 10 to 15 times, depending on the liquid content of the food, and my brain would begin
to tell me “it’s almost time to swallow.” (I now know that was just a habit I’d gotten into because somewhere along the line, I’d gotten in a big hurry.) If you REALLY want to expand the enjoyment of your food, don’t swallow until you’ve chewed between 60 and 100 times! Remember, the longer you can keep a bite in your mouth, the longer you get to enjoy it. It’s that simple.
If you'd like a little more weight-loss food for thought, you might like this blog I wrote. http://blog.cluborganized.com/lose-weight-fast