and with winter and the holidays coming, a new supply of warmer clothes and of course toys,
books, games and such will be coming into your home very soon. This is a great time to organize the children’s rooms.
Children are much more likely to keep their rooms neat if they don't have constipated drawers and closets and too many toys, books and games. Parents have to be the laxative here, because kids can't do it alone, it’s too overwhelming for them.
We’re already a month into another calendar quarter and if the weather hasn’t hinted at a change in clothing, it will. The House Fairy

Take some department store shopping bags from your stash and with your child in tow, go into his/her bedroom and play like you’re in a store to buy clothes. That means your child will try on questionable keepers. It’s a quick way to see what is not being worn. Also bag up all the summer clothes (they won’t fit next summer) along with the stuff that doesn’t fit now.
They gutted his room (including the closet and dresser drawers) of almost everything.
A very shocked mom wrote about being at her wit’s end with her eight-year-old son. She said she and her husband had HAD it and they made a drastic move! They gutted his room (including the closet and dresser drawers) of everything but the clothes that were currently in the laundry (in other words the clothes the child was actually wearing on a regular basis), a collection of small Army men the child played with regularly, and one book his father was currently reading to him each evening before bed. They also left just a bed, a table with a lamp on it, an empty bookshelf and a dresser with the clean laundry in it.(It sounded like the description of a prison room to me.)
They took the twenty garbage bags of belongings to the attic. They expected this event would be a punishment, but to their surprise,
the child saw it as relief!
Here’s the deal; let’s say you have a five-year-old and here it is November 3 the gateway to winter. That adorable, sleeveless white dress with the pink piping trim and embroidery done by hand, still fits her as do her fashionable bathing suit that Grandma bought her when she was in Cancun, the shorts, tank tops and sandals in every color and the silky nighties. They probably would still fit the child well into winter although they’d start to hurt and the child would tend to be cold running around in the snow in shorts and a tank top.
BUT it’s almost winter now and ALL the summer clothing is out of season and by next summer when it’s back in season, your five-year-old will be six and into a bigger size. So buck up and have the courage to face that cute baby porpoise on the bathing suit and say, “Goodbye, it’s been fun, but it’s time for you to move on.”
Relief is just a trip to Goodwill away. Bag up every shirt, sock, shoe, coat, pair of jeans, underpants, pajamas, slippers, bathrobe, swim suit (see even this sentence is getting cluttered) that don’t fit, from your children’s drawers. Also take everything that is out of season and head out to Goodwill. Goodwill will thank you and so will your kids.
(I like to think that God made seasons as a sign for parents to go through their children’s clothes every three months.) If this blog got you excited about streamlining your children’s room I think you’ll like this one to help you with yours.