Lack of motivation causes procrastination!
I’m always trying to figure out ways to use my creative mind to motivate me and then pass my discoveries on to you. I’m sort of like a walking SHE (Sidetracked Home Executive) research lab.
As you know, if you’re a SHE, you have a retarded concept of time and then it’s, “Holy Smoke! It’s December 23, Christmas is in two days!” So why not use your divine gift of imagination to quick-start your motivation?
Here’s my idea and it’s so simple, just pretend it’s December 23, and evoke a little panic and a good dose of adrenalin into your system. Because you’re a SHE, you know that familiar terror you’ve felt over years of last-minute shopping for holiday gifts. You’ve experienced that very un-Christmassy feeling you get from dashes to the mall with its irritating marketing to get you to buy “mine,” “mine,” “mine,” like those seagulls in Finding Nemo.
And don’t beat yourself up for knowing exactly how horrible that feels; according to the National Retail Federation, nearly 32 million people will not have started their shopping by Dec 9! (I should get them on my mailing list.)
Just think about it, 32 million people just like you and me are procrastinators! It’s a pretty good guess that some of the folks you want to get gifts for are part of that 32 million. That’s what brings me to a great idea for you while you’re pretending you’re almost out of time. Those disorganized friends and family need something you can give to them! My book, The Joy of Being Disorganized! Go over the list of people you want to gift and pick out the ones you know are disorganized like you are.
Order that number of The Joy of Being Disorganized books. The cost for one book is $14.95 so I suggest adding a five or ten dollar bill as a bookmark to bring your gifts up in value if you wish. As soon as you order the books, get to the bank for some fresh currency as this is the time of year banks carry new bills. Also when you buy more than one book, the cost of postage and handling doesn’t go up so you really save money.
Once you’ve ordered the books and got the money at the bank TODAY, you can lift the fake feeling of being behind. Just think how fun it’ll be to cross people off your list and stop worrying!
I’ve written an autographed note that I’ll put in with your multiple orders, so you can add them to your book gifts. Consider it a Christmas note from the author. Here’s what the note says:
It’s my prayer that this book brings more joy into your heart and into your home in the coming years. Joy is a gift from God and it has already been given. We just have to let go of struggling against our shortcomings, lighten up and find the blessings in them, for they are many.
You are a child of God, privileged to be here on this speck of a planet in the infinity of the Universe. You were born to be joyful, and if you are disorganized it’s a blessing in disguise. It was given to you as a gift. If this doesn’t make sense to you right now, you are in for a treat, for this book, given to you as a loving gift, will open your eyes to how precious you are!
Use the bookmark enclosed and don’t spend it until you’ve finished the book. If you promise to do that, it’s a good guess you’ll use the money to celebrate a new level of joy in your heart.
Merry Christmas,