The Cleaner Guy Shows How to Clean the Toilet


Actually, cleaning the toilet shouldn't be any more distasteful than brushing your teeth. And just like brushing  your teeth, if you don't do it every day (after every meal) you'll end up at the dentist with the distasteful task of having the plaque chipped from your teeth.

Same goes for the toilet. Keep distasteful away by cleaning the toilet every day. 

In this video, the Cleaner Guy also shows you how to make an environmentally friendly soft scrub that works as good as anything sold on the market.

jeff cleaner.jpgThe Cleaner Guy (Jeffrey Jones) has created a series of how to clean videos just for you. Here he is showing us how to clean the toilet.





For all the make-it-yourself cleaning recipes just tap on The Cleaner Guy's shirt below.

jeff cleaner.jpg











 P.S.  I once wrote a song about cleaning the toilet. I hope you enjoy it.

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This system is the one that inspired millions to get organized include the Flylady.  Just click on the Slob Sisters on the cover to the right.


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