My book The Joy of Being Disorganized is the first book I’ve written that makes a great gift!
I believe there are 10 SHEs (Sidetracked Home Executive) to every BO (Born Organized) and I wrote this book to celebrate our SHEness!
There’s a modified 3x5 get organized system in it that'll really help you get help from your family. Here’s what Allison, a successful banker, had to say:
Dear Pam,
Thank you for writing The Joy of Being Disorganized. I’m a successful banker and am organized at work, because there are systems in place and I handle my staff with understanding, patience and support. But my home has been another story. Somehow, I let my disorganization at home undermine my self-esteem. I didn’t even know I was doing that, until I read your book. What a wake-up call for you to tell me to celebrate my disorder! And how could that possible help me get my home organized? All I can say is that it was a shift in energy!
There's an entire chapter on how to delegate without becoming a nagging shrew.
When I saw myself as a gifted peacemaker in my home, I was suddenly relieved of total responsibility of running our home. Your focus on the art of delegating is remarkable and now as a family we have attacked the clutter in our home as noise that destroys peace.
It’s amazing what this book has done to our home and to me! With your simple system, I have cooperation from my family!
Thank you for taking the time to write this!
Allison . . .A Happy Peacemaker!
We SHEs (Sidetracked Home Executives) really aren’t very good at delegating, but once we get the hang of it, we can accomplish remarkable things. There’s an entire chapter on how to delegate without becoming a nagging shrew. You can learn to be a really nice when it comes to delegating!
To learn more or to purchase my book tap on the book cover.

P.S. Read about the benefits to being disorganized. Just click on the pretty stream.