My Shameful Garden




In this video you'll see my pathetic garden in spite of help from a master gardener who showed me exactly what to do to grow enough to feed the harvest to an entire neighborhood.

WELL, the biggest lesson learned is in this video. Watch to find out.

I will warn you, there are just some things we SHEs should not attempt.



Hopefully if you planted your first garden this summer, I hope you didn't attempt to plant it bigger than a twin-sized bed. We SHEs need to really be careful when it comes to taking plant life into our own hands. 



P.S. If you did fail at gardening this year, maybe this blog will help for next USA Today.jpgyear. Just click on this beautiful photo of a field of alfalfa. The person behind this crop sure knows what he/she is doing!








Speaking of food, "The Phony Gourmet" is a fun cookbook my sister and I wrote out of our love of cooking.


The Phony Gourmet




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