Yesterday we cleaned out George Clooney’s refrigerator.

Posted by Pam Young

Mar 25, 2011 1:30:00 AM

Challenge Accepted!as_seen_on

I received an email the other day challenging me on my motto “Make it fun and it will get done,” and it caused me to pause. The woman had said something about fun not leading to happiness and since I think happiness is the most important goal we can ever have, (I think it’s more important to be happy than to be organized) I had to think seriously about my definition of fun.

The word fun can conger up vacations, yachts, fast cars, parties and any of the stuff of brochures luring us in to spend money. The brochure brand of fun doesn’t make us happy. I know that from experience. Last summer Terry and I won tickets to a Wine and Jazz Festival in a park in Vancouver. The brochure was glitzy! The thought of a Wine and Jazz Festival made me happy, but in reality I only like a certain kind of jazz (much of it reminds me of being a young mother with the relentless and repetitious sound of young kids saying, “Mama, Mama, Mama, Mama”) and I’m not into expensive wines that you are expected to taste and then buy by the case. It was hot the day we went there and we’d never heard of the person who was jamming up on the stage, so we walked through the park and went home. Wheeeeee!

Clooney's Refrigerator

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Young@Heart - Let's Be Tolerant

Posted by Pam Young

Mar 15, 2011 7:34:00 AM

Young@Heart by Pam Young


My son Michael and his wife Meredith were invited by the FOX network to go to the Super Bowl and Terry and I were invited to babysit the two grandchildren ages eight (Jackie) and eleven (Brooklyn). I have such fun with these two!

The first night we were with them, when it was bedtime they both wanted me to tell them a bedtime story. Since they sleep in separate rooms I sat in the hallway with the light on so they could both see me if they sat up and it was easy for them to hear me. I love to make up stories because I never know what I’m going to say myself. I guess I should say Nelly (my inner child) loves to hear my stories or maybe she’s the one who makes them up? Whatever, I love to do it.


Rabbit ears, elephants, and donkeys

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