Does it bug you when you're around someone who smacks while eating?
Unless you’re taught to close your lips while you masticate, the sound coming out of your mouth (especially when you’re eating something crunchy) is very unpleasant for those around you. If you think about it; when your kids are little and they smack, because they haven’t learned how not to, you might say to your child, “Stop smacking!" But rarely do you demonstrate what it sounds like to smack and actually show how to fix it. Who do you know that gives anti-smacking lessons? The House Fairy, of course!
The House Fairy Program has more than 65 videos starring the House Fairy teaching children the basics of keeping their rooms neat and tidy and having good manners. She has helped thousands of kids, but some of her videos have helped adults. See the video.
One woman wrote that when her “smacking” friend saw the video with the House Fairy showing what it sounds like to smack and how to prevent it, her friend realized she was a smacker herself and took steps to change her behavior. (She told her friend that she tends to forget not to smack when she’s really hungry, but she's getting better.)
Speaking of smacking, here’s an email from one of the House Fairy's Snuggle Bunny graduates, twelve-year-old Brady Main. It's so sweet.
Dear House Fairy:
This was my clean room when I was four years old. I remember getting really excited when my mom first told me about the house fairy coming to visit. I started cleaning my room a lot more too!
When I grew older, I realized that my mom was the actual house fairy. When my parents had my little sister, I began telling her about it one day when I was describing how not to smack when eating!
We all laughed and decided to see if we could find that video again.
We are getting ready tonight to introduce my little sister to you, so thanks for the good memories!
Brady Main
Brady learned good manners from the House Fairy that'll serve him throughout his entire life and he brings up an important issue: what happens when a child learns that Mom is the House Fairy, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy? Each child handles the facts differently. Many children want to continue pretending for as long as possible. Many, with younger siblings, have great joy in keeping the secret and playing a part with the parents. No matter how parents handle it, if there's love in the mix these imaginary characters turn into exciting memories.
Finding out Mom and Dad are behind our childhood stars has its sad moments, but most adults wouldn’t trade the excitement of those innocent childhood days with knowing there’s no such thing.
My sister is five years younger than me, and I found out about Santa when I was nine-years-old. I have wonderful memories of knowing the secret and helping my parents prolong the delight. We even began to worry about her as she headed to fifth grade refusing to be swayed by her savvy, non-believing peers.
When you think of the adults you know who still love Santa, chances are you find them delightful, lighthearted people. Most of my friends refuse to discuss the probability that Santa isn’t real and I certainly could not have created the House Fairy if I weren’t just like them.
To see the smacking video Brady mentioned click on the House Fairy.