Flourless Tortillas Cooking Video


Did you know breads and grains are loaded with sugar?as_seen_on.jpg


Eating sugar in all its sneaky forms spikes your insuline and that's one of the main reasons our bodies store fat. Lower your intake of sugar in all of its tricky forms and you'll lose weight. 

In this cooking video you'll see how easy these tortillas are to make.

These tortillas have flour, so they're low in carbs, AND they're delicious!











You'll find many healthy...and low-carb...recipes here on my website. Just tap on Lose Weight and a menu will come down. You'll see Recipes. To see cooking videos, look to the right under Posts by Topic and you'll see Cooking videos.

For a great recipe for a low-carb substitute for hashbrowns, click on the low-carb breakfast plate. DSC_0471.jpg












If you want some fast, easy (but not so low-carb) recipes, check out my Clearance Store and the Phony Gourmet Cookbook. It originally sold for $15 in bookstores and now it's only $5!










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