Let Your Problems Lead You to Gratitude 

Posted by Pam Young

Jul 26, 2012 2:00:00 AM


Be Happy Now!


It takes practice living every moment of now and being content with it. Yes there are troublesome experiences, but the key is not to be troubled. Can you think of an adult that lives this way? 

For most of us, life seems to whiz by and before we know it another day, week, month, season, year has passed and we know we've missed a lot because we were thinking about the past or the future. 

It's time to be happy NOW, not when our circumstances are different!

When you deepen your relationship with YOU and take the time to look at yourself with new eyes every day and truly honor the holiness within you, your circumstances change in beautiful ways. Your problems give you an opportunity to learn to know yourself better. So, whether you're living in a mess at home, in a relationship that's frustrating, feeling a financial crunch, in a body that weighs too much or all of the above, let solving your problems start with going within in gratitude for your life (the only one you've been given) and sensing the truth that you're not alone and all is well.

Self-improvement is a lifetime path, but it's a pursuit that doesn't lead to a place where everything is perfect. When you reach what you thought was your final destination, you'll find that you have farther to go. Yippee skippee for that! Think about how fun it is to "want" something you "know" you'll receive. Don't you think that's why it's so fun to fall in love? You want that person and you know you're going to get him because he wants you too. Then you get him. (That's fun too, but never as fun as the getting part.)

You love teachers that let you know in a loving way that having what you want is doable. Having a home free of clutter and confusion is doable. If my sister and I could get organized so can you. Because we got organized that can give you hope. Get excited about the possibility. I can tell you, when you get organized and your home is peaceful, clutter-free and an oasis from the hectic world, it will just be a platform for you to do and be more.

A wonderful gift: YOU!

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My Declaration of Independence (3:54)

Posted by Pam Young

Jul 19, 2012 1:55:00 AM

My Declaration of Independence


It was 2 am and I sat sniveling in my pajamas at my computer. I had decided to call my sister in the morning before our families got together for the fourth of July festivities and tell her I would not be writing a "humorous" book about organizing household finances with her.

The reason was simple; I had no business telling anyone what to do when it came to money. At the not-so-tender age of 59 I had no retirement, no savings and I was $26,000.00 in credit card debt! The book we were to write together would absolutely get me out of debt, but my ethics would not allow me to be part of a lie. No way could I write a do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do book.

That was July 4, 2002 and one of those major pivotal moments in my life. I know how George Bailey in the movie It's A Wonderful Life, felt standing on the bridge contemplating suicide although I was never even close to doing that, I sent out a major request, "Help me God, help me."

Breezes from God

God breezes can come in strange ways. My God breeze came in the form of a question.

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Young@Heart: WATER! (3:00)

Posted by Pam Young

Jul 5, 2012 2:30:00 AM


A couple of years ago when we had just returned from a much needed vacation, we were greeted by one of our worst nightmares. Coming home with two suitcases filled with damp and smelly clothes from being in the tropics for two weeks had kept my mind focused on a marathon laundry session. There’s nothing worse than a tropical Mt. Washmore!

Walking into our home after being gone so long is always a joy to me. I love my home and I couldn’t wait to cook (after I booted up the washing machine). It’s fun to go on vacation and eat in restaurants, but for a cook-at-heart, there’s nothing like playing in the kitchen when you’ve been gone a while. Before we had had a chance to empty our suitcases I’d headed for the sink, with some vegetables to wash while Terry prepared the Weber to barbeque some hamburgers. “Hi you shiny sink!” I said in a tone I use for only my best friends.

I turned the handle to the faucet and it said, “spokusssh quut, quut, spitchhosssssh schpauchhossssh.” (That’s Faucet for “There’s no water!”)

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Fat Head

Posted by Pam Young

Jun 28, 2012 2:30:00 AM

August 2012

Fat Head!

When my husband Terry and I decided to change what we eat and that diet was going to go against both our physicians who promote a low fat, high carbohydrate diet, I searched out a physician in my area by using Jimmy Moore’s list of low carb docs www.livinlavidalowcarb.com.

Thanks to Jimmy, I found Dr. Ann Childers a child psychiatrist who also works with people like me who need encouragement and knowledge that we are doing the right thing, even though it’s against what the mainstream medical community tells us is right. I’ve said this before, “we’ve been told what’s wrong to eat is right for so long that when we hear what’s right to eat it sounds wrong.”

It was scary at first to eat chicken with the skin on, steak with the fat on, to cook with lard and have four eggs a day if I want to. At first I couldn’t believe I could eat butter, sour cream and mayonnaise (up to four tablespoons each a day) and to shun anything with a “low in calorie” or “low fat” label! The thing I discovered, using my own body as an experiment, was I am so much healthier today than I was a year ago. The list of changes is so long I’d bore you to list them.

Fat Head is a documentary about what’s wrong with what we’ve been told is the healthy way to eat. I interviewed Tom Naughton who produced and starred in it. We were on a cruise together and he was kind enough to give me an hour of his time. (His interview will be on my Make it Fun website very soon.) If you haven’t seen Fat Head and you’re interested in learning more about all the fuss you keep hearing about low carb this and low carb that, it’s available on his website (www.fathead-movie.com). You can also purchase it on Amazon, but if you want to rent it, it’s available through Netflix.

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Young@Heart: Summer Without Sugar? YIKES! (3:39)

Posted by Pam Young

Jun 21, 2012 4:30:47 AM

I wrote about the challenge of summer without sugar in this Young@Heart article and video.

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I Love You Dad (3:04)

Posted by Pam Young

Jun 14, 2012 4:30:00 AM

Happy Father's Day all you Happy Fathers!


I give a tribute to all the happy fathers including my own lovable dad.

What's the first thing you think of when you think of your father? When I think of mine, I think of his smile. He was so in love with Mom, Peggy and me that he seemed to always have a happy face. If you read Sidetracked Home Executives: from pigpen to paradise, you know that we got the disorganized gene from Dad. He threatened to sue us for defamation of character, but of course he was joking and if he really had intended to take us to court, he'd never have gotten around to it.

My dad worked hard delivering gas to farmers who had big tanks to supply their farm equipment. He was so loved by his customers there was hardly a day he didn't come home in his big Standard Oil tank truck without a few treasures. In the summer it'd be produce. We never needed a garden as we were kept stocked in every kind of fruit and vegetable known to Dr. Oz. Sometimes he'd bring home packages of beef, chickens or turkeys and other times jams, jellies, cakes or cookies.

My Dad was The Best Dad

He loved to hunt and fish and because part of one of the farms was Bachelor's Island, a duck hunter's heaven in the Columbia River, he was given the privilege of hunting ducks and geese. Being an excellent shot (Mom said her had the eye of an eagle) our freezer was stocked with wild fish and game. To this day I love the taste of wild goose and Chinook salmon.

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Young@Heart: Maternity Awards (3:35)

Posted by Pam Young

Jun 7, 2012 4:30:58 AM

In today's Young@Heart article and video I honor the unrecognized service of mothers. I think we moms should get Maternity Awards!

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Attention (4:01)

Posted by Pam Young

May 31, 2012 4:30:00 AM

Is your inner child craving attention? Don’t miss this.

Attention Is All I Want!

My reason for getting organized way back in 1977 was so that I’d have more free time to play with my family. I wasn’t having that much fun in my chosen career as a homemaker and it was mainly because of my disorganization and the messes it created. I knew that my attitude had to change about my life as a wife, mother and homemaker and once I nailed the reason to make the effort to change, everything fell into place (but not overnight).

I met Nelly, (my inner child; that part of me that’s about nine-years-old), in 2002 and in that meeting I realized she was behind my reason to change 25 years earlier. Over the last decade I’ve grown to adore her “take” on life. I see myself as her parent, always needing to monitor her thoughts and guide her into cooperating with all my “adult” plans and rules.

We just got back from a cruise with 3,000 passengers. I did a lot of people watching and I saw many well-behaved children and many who were out of control. In every instance I noticed that back of every child was a parent with either good or bad parenting skills. The well-behaved children stood quietly in lines at the buffets and the out of control children (they always stick out more) were always issued a variety of useless directives.

We were in line behind Jason (about six-years-old) and his parents and sister Becky (about four) and we watched him hit his sister when the parents weren’t looking, tug on his father’s shirt, kick his mother’s purse and sag to the floor several times in the five minutes we were in line.

But what about the Inner Child?

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Is it Time for a New Bathrobe? (3:33)

Posted by Pam Young

May 16, 2012 1:30:00 AM

Is it Time for a New Bathrobe?

I decided it is for Terry and me. My robe is 20 years old and I bought it at a garage sale. It’s heavy and comfy and if I write too much about it here, I’m apt to talk myself out of dumping it. (Maybe I should keep it as my winter robe. On some of those cold winter nights I have found such refuge in it. I also feel spiritual in it sometimes, because it has a hood and when I put it over my head, I feel like St. Francis.) Okay, okay it’s going in storage until November when my winter sweaters and coats come out of waiting.

Terry’s robe is another story. It is downright scary! It’s blue plaid velour and after the first washing it lost most of its “lour” and because the arms were too long he cut them off and insisted I didn’t need to hem his alteration project. So I didn’t, leaving the ends frayed in strings that grow longer with every washing.

The thing is, I never think to go bathrobe shopping and only when I’m pampered with a luxurious white terrycloth robe in a fancy hotel do I think it’s time to spring for a new “morning” look.

A Saint and a Blue Man

Terry and I have changed our routine this year and I don’t shower, dress and make the bed first thing in the morning anymore.

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Young@Heart: Happy Mother's Day! (3:15)

Posted by Pam Young

May 9, 2012 4:45:00 AM

Do you ever stop to think about how honored you are to have given birth? When my first child was born it absolutely changed my life in more ways than one. I did not want to have this baby the whole time I carried it. I was in a very unhappy marriage and with that pregnancy I felt trapped. If abortion would have been legal then, I would not have done that, but I did think seriously that when it was born we could adopt it out!

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